Maryland Medical Programs

Maryland Medicaid Provider Verification

National Provider Identifier(NPI):
Provider Last Name /Organization:   First Name:
Medicaid Provider Base Number
(First 7 Digits of your Medicaid Provider Number):
Date of Service: / / (mm/dd/yyyy)
Provider Type:

- At least one of the following fields must be completed: NPI, Provider Number, Provider Last Name/Organization. - Please specify the Date of Service for which to verify the provider's enrollment status. If no Date of Service is entered, results will show enrollment status for the current date.
Please note: This provider verification service is for purposes of checking the Maryland Medicaid provider enrollment status, including Ordering, Referring, and Prescribing (ORP) (including attending) providers. Pursuant to federal Medicaid regulations, ORP providers on claims submitted to Maryland Medicaid must be "active" on the date of service with a Practice Type of "INDIVIDUAL PRACTITIONER." Providers listed as "active" in search results do not necessarily participate with or accept payment from Maryland Medicaid.
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